Sunday, December 7, 2014

Mill Hollow Youth Activity

Thanksgiving Post

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday Conference Notes for Camille

Camille worked at the hospital on the Sunday of conference.  Here are the text messages of the notes which I sent her so she could take a glance on her breaks.  I benefited from taking notes as I listened more intently.
Elder Nelson spoke on on prophets and prophetic revelation.  Very great talk.

Sister McConkie also spoke of our need for prophets.  God reveals His word through prophets.

Elder Hales spoke about using the Holy Ghost to come to know truth.  God wants us to seek this knowledge now.

Elder Hamula spoke about the sacrament.  He says it needs to become more sacred and holy to us. He gave a very detailed description of the great importance of the sacrament. And said, "no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God".  He to make us clean if we have faith enough to repent.  Through the sacramental prayers we make solemn commitments to remember Him and keep his commandments.  That is a solemn promise to repent.  We also are willing to take upon His name.   When we make these commitments we are promised to have His spirit with us.  The most important event in time and eternity it the Atonement of Christ.  Regular participation in this ordinance helps us faithfully endure to the end.

President Monson:  Our primary purpose is to gain a body and have earthly experiences.  We brought a great gift-agency.   Decisions determine destiny.  He did not send us here without direction and guidance.  To help guide us: words of God, teachings of prophets, example of our Savior.  Our Savior said, Come follow me.  He marked the way and the we follow  in His footsteps we can return safely to His presence.  Emulating his example are far more important than following his historical footprints.  All of us can walk the paths He walked.  His example lights the way.  I am the truth, the way, and the life.  Jesus walked the path of disappointment.  He looked over the beautiful city Jerusalem as he lamented their wickedness.  Jesus walked the path of pain.  Consider Gethsemane or the cruel cross.  While we will find on our path bitter and sorrowful, we can also find great happiness.  Walk along with Jesus, the path of obedience.  The reward for obedience is liberty and eternal life.  Walk the path of service.  Walk the path of prayer.  Other instructions are at our fingertips.  Look to the Sermon on the Mount.  Looks to the parables and His teachings.  As we strive to push Christ at the center of His life, we can obtain eternal life.   President Monson then gives examples of Christ-like acquaintances.  The Savior's example provides a framework for everything we do.  He so testifies.  Amen.

Afternoon session:  Elder Ballard's talk compares the rules of rafting down Cataract canyon to living the gospel.   Interestingly enough, cousin Kent just sent a video featuring this canyon.  He says stay in th boat, use a life jacket, use both hands and hold onto Zion.

Elder Scott:   The fall made possible things of both happiness and sadness.  This is His perfect plan of happiness.  Our purpose Was Coming here was to be tested, tried, and stretched.  There must be an opposition in all things.  Despite all the trials, we must take time to exercise our faith.  We have tools given to us by God.  When these tools become habit it becomes the easiest way to combat our challenges.  First tool:  prayer.  Converse with God often.  If you allow God into your daily life, you will feel peace.  Safeguard your families with the power of family prayer.  2nd tool:  study and ponder the scriptures.  If you want your children to ponder and act upon the Holy Ghost promptings, study with them..this is more important then sleep, tv,games,social media etc,  promise:  if you study God'sword daily, peace will come I your life.  It is a gift of the spirit.  It will radiate out to you, influence others.  Your life will not.cease to have challenges, through study you will find peace in the world around you.  3rd tool:  weekly FHE.  Be careful not make it a weekly afterthought.  Don't let employment, sports or anything else become more important.  The gospel should be taught formally and informally.    Have a marvelous time together.  Earn a testimony of these crucial habits.  4 th tool:  go to the temple.  Use your recommend often.  Don't let anyone or anything prevent you from being there.  The temple is the best place to understand the power of the atonement.  Our Savior is the prince of peace.  When we use the tools, we are actively responding to his invititation, we are actively "coming to him".  All of our struggles won't go away, it just makes it possible to endure these trials and challenges.

Elder. (Portuguese).   Patriarchal blessing.  If we continue to live the way we are living, will the promises be fulfilled.  it is not about good and bad, but good, better and best.  1.  Consider the options with the end in mind.  Understanding who we are and why we are here gives us a broader vision.    Examples of men in scriptures, Moses, Lehi, Joseph Smith. prepared for the challenges to come.  Journeys are not easy even with correct decisions.  Sacrifices have to be made. God has a plan for us.  We are not here to waste time and die.   3.  We need to share our vision with the people we love.  When we take a particular path , the people we love will go with us.  Just because things are going well does not mean we shouldn't consider things that are better.

Elder Packer: (seventy). We must work on all the requirements when seeking the kingdom of God.  Qualifying for exaltation is like entering another country.  We must have a spiritual passport.   This is a quest of a lifetime.   One of these requirements is family history work.  All family history work requires is a decision to do it.  It doesn't take a lot of time just small bits of time.  Embrace family history work for the benefit of our dead and ourselves.   Tangible benefits that attend this work.  Young people can experience the spirit of Elijah.  This is the work of God to be done by members.  

Elder Martinez (Spanish). The Savior focuses on the individual and the family.   Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.  If you labor all your days and bring one soul to God, how great shall be your joy.  Sister Burton said, first observe, then serve.  Good Samaritan message applies to us, "go and do thou likewise".

Elder Kacher:   He was caught in a riptide.  Divine intervention helped him and his wifefind safety.  There are powerful unseen currents in our life that can be dangerous and also powerful currents that are good.  Elder Kacher is a convert.  He was a skier and eventually found himself in Provo, Ut.   As a convert everything was new.  The question was where do I turn for answers.  He asked himself, why would I turn away from something that brought such a peace.  He turned to The Lord and knew things would work out even though much was unknown.     Elder Kacher:   He was caught in a riptide.  Divine intervention helped him and his wifefind safety.

Elder Bednar:   Message to people who are not members of the church.  Devoted disciples are missionaries of what they believe.  Go ye therefore and teach all nations.  Latter-day Saints take this seriously.  When we invite you to attend church, we are not trying to sell you a product.  We are inviting you to hear the restored truths of the gospel.  Our invitations are not attempt to diminish your experiences and beliefs.   We feel a solemn responsibility to carry this message.  Our eagerness is not because of a serious duty rather because these truths are important to us.  Read about example of Elder Bednar's son.  Quite cute and teaching.  Lehi's dream of the fruit.  Lehi's partaking of the fruit was something he immediately wanted to share.  Enos said "and my soul hungered". . .then Enos after being forgiven also prayed for his family, friends.   We learn that we want to share the blessings of the atonement.   We know the anguish of sin and then the feelings of peace that the atonement brings.  We are missionaries because of absolute truth, that Jesus is the Christ and He lives.  Our invitations are because of the positive effects that the gospel is in our own lives. He turned to The Lord and knew things would work out even though much was unknown.

Well, Camille here is our concluding speaker, President Monson.  Two glorious days of wonderful messages.  We thank our Father for His blessings to us.   May we return to our homes and be little better, a little kinder, more respect, use our helping hands.  Remember the elderly, the home bound, succor the weak.  Be people of honesty and integrity.  Try to do the right things at all times.  Be faithful followers of Christ.  I invoke the blessings of heaven upon you.  Until we meet again, in 6 months time, even when Sarah is in Scotland or Ireland.  Love you dearly Camille.  Thanks for letting me share the message of conference via text.

New Paint

Over harvest break we painted our basement walls.  We are nearly done just a few more rooms to do the finishing touches.  Next we will work to install and paint our trim.  It is good to see things taking shape.  Today was a productive day.  I practiced my accompanying music for 90 minutes, did loads of laundry, taught 6 piano students, delivered Chantell's birthday presents of fudge and a binder of Tyler's mission letters, made dinner, walked the dogs, read my scriptures, had FHE, and cleaned the living room.   Busy day and I am happy I got so much done.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

End of Harvest Break

Here in Rexburg, the school district takes a break for one week during the first part of October so students can be hired to help with the potato harvest.  We are just finishing up our last vacation day.  After spending time with my family, it is a little sad to send them off again.  While on break, we painted the basement, watched conference and did the first phase of Spencer's eagle project.  All in all I think we did well.  Short post but I am tired.  Until next time.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Spencer's Prep for his Eagle Project

This next Saturday, Spencer will be holding his Eagle project.  He will be putting together bird feeders and then placing them on posts at nursing homes.  Tonight, he and Dave put together the first feeder to give them experience before the assembly begins this weekend.  

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Photography Hobby

Over the past few years, Dave has gained an increased interest in photography.  When he has spare time, he enjoys taking pictures of family and scenery.  Tonight we went over to the Cress Creek area which is near the South Fork of the Snake River.  We took pictures of Catherine for her senior year and also some DYW pictures.  I had fun along the way taking pictures of the photographer.
Dave and his right hand man, Spencer.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Matthew Made a Goal

Matthew played in two games today.  One in Idaho Falls and the other here in a Rexburg.  I was a bit late to the Rexburg game.  Luckily just as I sat down to watch Matthew, he made a goal.  It was so exciting for us to watch and for him to add a point to the scoreboard.  They ended up losing by two points, but Matthew and his team have made great progress this season towards improving their game.  Good job Matthew!

He also went on his first camp out as an eleven-year-old scout.  They went to Eagle Park which is right here in Rexburg.  It's called Eagle Park because Boy Scouts have completed many eagle projects  towards building it up as a nice picnic area and campground.  His scout leaders are Paul and Gaylene Ritchey.

Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19th, 2014

Today I am 47.  It feels so old.  I can hardly remember what happened in the previous decades.  I don't really like being or feeling this old, but I have no choice.  I had a somewhat lazy day.  But it is my birthday after all.

To celebrate I made crepes for the family and then sent them off to school.  I walked Deisl and Mali, visited with friends, Chantell and then Alisa.  Ate a donut with Sarah, practiced the piano, visited with Teresa, did a lot of other inconsequential things and now am leaving to go out to dinner with Dave, Sarah and Catherine.  Matthew is on his first campout and I gave Spencer permission to go to a movie with friends.

Not to exciting but I'm really easy to please.  And I guess my birthday present to myself is to have an easy day.  Done:)

A picture taken two days after my birthday on the Southfork of the Snake River.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Dr. Scott K. Thompson

My brother, Scott, is a plastic surgeon in the Salt Lake Valley.  He specializes in the head and neck area of the body.  Recently a news station interviewed him about the service he is able to provide to children in other countries.  These children don't have access to this type of modern medicine where they live.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Camille is 25

Hardly can believe that it has been 25 years since Dave and I became parents for the first time.  On a Sunday afternoon at Logan Regional Hospital, Camille Anne Hinck came to our family.  She was a lovely baby with light brown hair.  Two days later on my 22nd birthday, we brought her to our little home on the corner of 500 West and 500 North in Logan.

I clearly remember the great responsibility that I felt the first night we were on our own to keep her safe and comfortable.  We made it through the first night and now 25 years later we have made it through a lot of nights.

All these years Camille has kept us on the front edge of her seat.  She has accomplished a lot in her first quarter century.  Probably the most important impact she has made is her great example as the oldest sister of our family.  We all admire her for her ability to take a task or a goal and work hard to achieve it and we have been blessed by her compassionate heart and caring spirit.

In her toddler years, she loved to move her body with music.  It was our first indication that dancing was something she clearly enjoyed.  She would dance in our living rooms, in the parking lots and even in the isles of the grocery stores.

We signed her up for dance when she reached first grade and from that point on not only did she work to develop graceful dance moves but passed on this love and desire to dance to other family members.  Dance has taken her to many wonderful places, introduced her to a lot of amazing people, and provided many unforgettable experiences.  She has participated in traditional ballets, performed a ballet solo which helped her place as first runner-up in the state Jr. Miss program, traveled to Russia and performed in the LDS Conference Center.

A Christ-like attribute Camille possesses and continues to share is her compassionate heart.  She currently works as a nurse in the ICU Cardiac Unit in the University of Utah Medical Center.  She has a great ability to help people with significant health challenges feel cared for and safe.

As her mother I am indeed proud of my beautiful daughter Camille and wish her the most happy 25th birthday.



Tuesday, September 16, 2014

post FHE

We gathered for family night last night.  We are studying a bit from "Preach My Gospel" to help us gain more understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  We studied a section that focused on what Jesus Christ says about the Book of Mormon.  We learn that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ.   Bishop Hunt taught us Sunday that the Book of Mormon is the only tangible piece of evidence that can prove the truthfulness of the gospel.   Last night each of us chose a scripture that gives us truth, direction and hope.  Interestingly enough, Dave and I were sharing similar thoughts.  We each chose the same scripture.  It's found in 2nd Nephi 25:26.

 " 26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.  

As a parent, one of my greatest hopes is that I can teach my children where to turn in times of trouble and also in times of peace.  Jesus Christ is real and His example is what I look to as I live my life.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Funniest Occurrence on I-15

The following account was sent to myself and other family members.  Though a very stressful experience at the time, now mom can give it a good laugh along with the rest of us.

Read on . . . .
I told Mary I would have to be ten years out from today in order to laugh at the goings on, but, on second thought, have decided that ten years of feeling mortified isn't good so I will tell the tale and we can snicker, laugh, or whatever comes to mind.

On the way back to Logan, after attending church in Scott and Mary's ward and dropping John and Allan off at the airport and briefly visiting Jane, Dad pulled over at the Antelope Island exit to change drivers.  I climbed out and went around to the driver's side.  Dad climbed out and opened the sliding door on the driver's side, arranged things in the back seat and closed the door.  I took off.

I was intently listening to our new audio tape of "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis on the drive home, Dad sleeping in the back.  At about L.W. Miller's in Logan, I called to Dad to say we were almost home and was he ready to wake up.  No reply, so I called out again with the same results.  I decided he was sleeping very soundly, but more sinister thoughts did start to enter my mind as we were about a block from home.  

Got home, climbed out of the car and opened the sliding door to tell Dad we were home--but  I can't find Dad.  I look on the seat, on the floor and in the back cargo area.  He is not there.  

In sheer panic, I called Scott and Mary.  No answer.  Sent Scott a text saying something dreadful has happened--I am home and Dad is not in the car.  I told him the circumstances.  He, wondering aloud how I could do such a thing, said he would go look for him and would keep in touch.  I was now fearful I had run over him in addition to leaving him on the side of the road..  I got back in the car and headed south.  Got to the summit in Sardine and Mary called to say they had Dad safely in tow and that we would both keep driving until we met, which we did on Highway 89 in Willard.

Dad had wisely remained in the place where he had been "discarded," so that Scott and Mary had no trouble finding him.  Scott asked Dad what thoughts went through his mind as I sped off into the sunset.  He thought to himself, "There goes my ride."  Mary was very consoling and assured me that I wasn't a bad person or losing my mind.

When we finally got home, TOGETHER, Dad climbed out of the car and said, "Thanks for the ride."

I will never again be able to counsel anyone to "keep his/her mind on his/her business."

I certainly love my dad's matter of fact statements and love them both so much:)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Preparing for more Knowledge

This morning Dave, Sarah and myself were invited to an appointment with the bishop at 8:00 a.m.  The bishop explained this meeting to be his temple prep class encompassing all he wishes to share in one hour.  He is a master teacher in gospel instruction and also in his expertise, anatomy and physiology.

He asked Sarah about symbols and why they are used.  She said to simplify what it represents, to bring remembrance of something, and to teach concisely.  He then taught that the temple was full of symbols.  It isn't weird or strange but these symbols can help us realize the literal blessings that are in store.

He recommended that we spend more time as family preparing for this special occasion.  I personally am looking forward to the study and preparation that we will experience.

Sarah is attending a student ward this semester.  Camille continues to attend her singles ward in SLC and Kirsten also began attending a new student ward.  They are all actively pursuing educational goals.  Camille is working on a masters in nursing education, Kirsten is a senior in political science, and Sarah is in the last half of her junior year in elementary education.

Here we are visiting Santaquin, Utah on Aug. 27.  We attended a church meeting with Layne and Dixie.   It was fun to be all together for an afternoon.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Spence and Matt

I gave the boys haircuts this morning.  It was time.  Matthew had been asking for a couple of weeks and Spencer asked this week.  They look pretty dasher.
Matthew is on a soccer team.  We have seen much improvement this season.  He is a better kicker and isn't afraid to move in and go for the ball.  He has two games today both in Rexburg.
It is homecoming week.  The dance was last night.  Sadly, Catherine wasn't invited to this dance, but she was able to go get ice cream with her friends, Elise and Lindsey.  It's good to have experienced not being asked to a dance as it helps her have more empathy for others that aren't asked.
Spencer and Catherine are both participating in the high school musical, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers".  Catherine is playing the part of Liza an Spencer is a townsfolk.  It is fun for them to experience a musical together before Catherine moves towards graduation.

Well, we have now returned from all the games.  Matthew had two losses in soccer but we won the homecoming football game.  Dave's choir, Bel Cantos, sang the national anthem at the game.  They sounded really great.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Hard Frost

It seems a little early to welcome the frosty air, but it's here.  Unfortunately our corn never matured and now it is gone.  However, we did cover our tomatoes and peppers.  Maybe this cold snap is just a trick and there will be still more warm days to enjoy.  I hope so.

This week is homecoming for Madison High.  Catherine secured a jeep from Stones Town and Country Car Dealership to ride in the parade with her Distinguished Young Women buddies.  It's pretty fun to ride in these sweet autos every once in awhile.

Janay Busby, Catherine, and Annie Brown

Annie Brown, Catherine, and Brittany Hymas

Janay Busby, Brittany Hymas, Kaylee Anderson, Catherine and Annie Brown

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Connections With Scotland/Ireland

Since receiving her mission call, we have found a few people who have interesting connections to Scotland and Ireland.
Something that we found hard to believe was that our friends, Doug and Carol Ladle, had just left for this same mission a few weeks previous to Sarah's call.  We first met Doug and Carol after a ward boundary change almost 14 years ago.  They welcomed our family and street into the ward by delivering popcorn to each house.  Shortly thereafter, I was called to serve as Young Women president, serving as leader to their daughter Joy, one of our laurels.  We became good friends at that point.  Doug also served as our home teacher for a year or so, then our ward boundaries were changed again and we were placed in different wards.  Doug and Carol didn't let ward boundaries stop us from being friends.  He remembered all of our birthdays, contributed money towards family activities and basically became grandparents to our children here in Rexburg.  I also taught Carol piano lessons and she helped us paint our upstair walls in our home.  We have been so lucky and blessed to be their close friends and recipients of much kindness.  Now Sarah gets to serve her mission knowing some very dear friends are close by.

Kate Prescott, a friend from our stake and fellow dancer received her call to Scotland/Ireland.  She leaves in December.  Her father Larry teaches photography at the high school.  Dave considers him a great friend.

Tara Fitzgerald, Kirsten's former piano teacher and Dave's former choir student, served in this mission several years ago.

My grandparents, Clyde and Sarah Viola Thompson, served in the Ireland mission.  When Sarah opened her mission call she sat at the piano in our living room.  Just above the piano hangs an oil painting depicting 19 red roses arranged in a glass vase.  This piece of art was painted by my grandmother Thompson.    On the back of the painting is written "for Julie Anne on her wedding day".  My grandmother had already passed away when I was married but her handwriting and acknowledgement of my wedding day has always been special to me.  And then last Wednesday as I watched Sarah open her call the picture reminded me of their service and that special connection they now have with their great-grand daughter Sarah.  I'm sure that my grandparents will be watching over Sarah as she serves in their same mission.

Mary Schwendiman's father served in Ireland and just last year Mary, her mother and 2 sisters visited Ireland.

We have many ancestors from the Scotland area.  I want to post their histories on this blog so we can all be more familiar with their stories.

Another member of our stake, Will Evans, is serving in this mission.

Our new neighbor, whom we have yet to meet, grew up in England.  His father is Elder David Baxter of the first quorum of seventy.

My second counselor in the Young Women has a nephew that just returned home from there.  Sarah met him last Sunday as he was visiting his aunt in our ward.

So we can draw upon many experiences as Sarah makes her preparations.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Exciting News

A mission call was found in our mailbox this past Wednesday, September 3rd.   Sarah Elizabeth Hinck was called to serve in the Scotland/Ireland Mission.  She is to arrive at the England MTC on January 15th.  We are thrilled and excited for this next step of life for Sarah.  She will start school in a week allowing her to get one more semester accomplished before she leaves.

As part of the mission call process, Sarah was asked to write a letter of acceptance to the Brethren in Salt Lake City.  The following is her letter:
Dear Brethren
I cannot express the joy and comfort I felt when I received my call to the Scotland/Ireland mission. I am ready and willing to commit my time and energy to serve the Lord and preach his gospel for the next year and a half. I promise that as I serve a mission, I will serve with all my mind, heart, and strength. Because my Savior, Jesus Christ, has done so much for me, this is my opportunity to thank him. Although serving a mission can only repay a small portion of my debt to him, I know that it will lead to many spiritual opportunities in my life that will draw me closer to Him. Since I graduated from high school, I have wanted to serve a mission. During my first year of college, the mission age was changed, and the idea of going on a mission became very real. I am the first child in my family to serve a mission. I want to set a good example for my younger brothers and sisters in hopes that someday they may choose to serve a mission as well. Although I do have fears, I am confident that with the Lord's help, my mission will be a success. Because I have seen Heavenly Father's love throughout my life, I know that he will be there to answer my prayers and guide me when I need help if I open up my heart to him. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. Heavenly Father loves me unconditionally and wants me to be happy. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in the sacred grove. Here, the truthfulness of the Gospel was revealed and then restored. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. As I have had the opportunity to read and reread its words, I have felt the spirit strongly. I have prayed about its teachings and the Holy Ghost has confirmed to me that they are true. I am thankful for the restoration of the Priesthood and worthy Priesthood holders. Because of the Priesthood, I have seen many blessings throughout my life. I know that if I am faithful, I can have the companionship of the Holy Ghost at all times. He is available to me for guidance and comfort. I know that the Lord reveals his teaching to latter-day prophets, even Thomas S. Monson. I am thankful for the blessing of an eternal family and the knowledge that I have that there is life after death. Finally, I know that Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for me. I know that because of the Atonement, I am able to repent and become clean again so that I may someday live with my Heavenly Father and family in the Celestial Kingdom.

Sister Sarah Hinck

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Elder Christofferson and Elder Batt

Last spring, Dave was asked to serve in the Rexburg 4th Young Single Adult Stake as a high councilman.   He has had various responsibilities associated with the calling but really it has been quite a low-stress position.  He is over music, serves as a committee member of the missionary and activity groups and speaks in a Sacrament meeting once a month.  Most of the time he is able to attend church with us, which I love.  Really it isn't too bad.  His stake was privileged to have Elder Christofferson and Elder Batt speak today in a conference setting today.  I love learning from men of God.

Elder Batt taught us to filter out that which brings us sadness and to replace it with goodness.  He said we are a more attractive people when We can make a contribution to the world around us when we serve. Today is the day to serve.  Your quality of life will be better.  Elder Batt told a story about he and his mother.  He grew up in a home where his mother was devoted to serving others.  In fact many times delicious food would leave the home and end up at a funeral or be given to someone who was sick.   On one occasion he had a dream.  He was dreaming that he was going to die soon.  He was laying in his bed preparing for death when the wonderful smell of chocolate chip cookies infiltrated his bedroom.  He stumbled out of bead and hobbled down the floor towards the cookies. When he reached the kitchen, he reached out to grab a cookie only to be stopped by his mother as she was slapping his hand, saying "Don't eat those cookies, they are for your funeral."  The audience erupted in laughter and Elder Christofferson followed up by saying that he wouldn't soon forget the very funny accounting of that dream.

Elder Christofferson

Elder Christofferson visited us because he was in Rexburg for training on Saturday and Presidnet Monson has asked them to attend a gathering with one of the stakes the next day. And the fourth stake was selected to have him speak to them. He said once a reporter asked him what were the duties of a modern-day apostle? He answered by saying 1. Feed my lambs. 2. Proclaim the gospel 3. A witness of Christ.

Feed my lambs: Nurture them with the good word. We all share this responsibility. Be watchful over each other and sustain each other. On Thursdays, the apostles meet in the temple with the first presidency. They each give an accounting of their previous week. Every week, President Monson reports on a personal visit to a nursing home, hospital, funeral etc. He never forgets the individual and finds opportunity to personally administer. Elder C. said that President Monson is particularly troubled that he can't reach everyone. This fear could paralyze him, but President Monson doesn't allow that to happen. 
Proclaim the gospel and teach all nations. Weighty responsibility when you consider the entire planet. Our missionaries are 80,000 strong.
Witness of Jesus Christ:  After the Savior ascended to heaven, he asked the 12 apostles to wait and receive the Holy Ghost before proclaiming the gospel to the world.  They had spent 3 years at the Savior's feet.  What more would they need?   But yet they were not ready, they needed the Holy Ghost.  They needed the spirit to help them fully understand and really grasp the full magnitude of what they learned and bring things to their remembrance.  They needed the Spirit to help them with the right words and they needed the gifts of the spirit.  

That is a little of what I took in this morning.  It was a great meeting.  I felt the love and concern from the brethren and sisters as they spoke, and was thankful that I could be a witness to their strong testimonies.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Love to my sweet family!  You mean everything to me.  I love each and everyone of my family members and I hope that I can be a better daughter, wife, mother and friend this next year.  Today I traveled to Pocatello to take my neighbor, Chantell Winegar to a doctor appointment.  The office is unique because illnesses are treated in an all natural way using vitamins and minerals.  She is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis.  It was a fun drive and afterwards she treated out entire family to sandwiches at Gator Jacks, a restaurant which she owns.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wild Wednesday

Wednesday is a busy day for me.   I normally teach piano students in the morning beginning at 7:15 a.m.  I finish up at 8:15 and head to BYU-I where I teach the Music 158 students their piano lessons.  Depending on the semester, I usually finish up in the early afternoon.  I return home to a couple more piano students, walk our neighbor's dogs for 40 minutes and then begin thinking about dinner.  This evening I also had our Young Women's activity.  In my ward, I currently am serving as the president of our Young Women's group.  I was sustained in September and since then have been kept quite busy on Sunday and Tuesday night.  This evening we attended a pep band performance of one our Laurels, Runae Smith.   She attends South Fremont High in St. Anthony.  Her mom teaches at the school so they have chosen to attend in that district.  It was fun to go to a small town basketball game especially because they were playing a big rival. Sugar-Salem.  Tracey Wynn, our laurel advisor and two of our laurels, Catherine Hinck and Laura Spencer attended the game with me.  I love the laurels.  It is fun to associate with young women that are on the brink of becoming young adults.  They show a lot of maturity and are also just so enjoyable to be around.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Trudy Budge

I have been hoping to get back into the record keeping mode.  So I am making an attempt here on Feb. 11.  When I checked my face book account this morning, I noticed that a high school friend had posted a video memorializing a classmate who had passed away on Feb. 9.  The acquaintance was Trudy Hatch Budge.  She was stricken with a rare form of cancer.  In high school, she was bubbly, pretty and an outgoing cheerleader.  I guess I never had any classes with her because I just didn't know her that well, but I did watch her fun, spirited personality as she cheered at games and participated in other high school activities.  She married another class mate, Carl Budge.  This video encompassed an explanation of who she is and put her in real situations with her family.  She described her children's personalities and talked of how much their family had been blessed as the disease took it's toll on her body. She discussed the atonement and how she came to understand the significance it plays in each of our lives.  Today, I have thought nonstop about Trudy's experiences and the strength and love displayed by Carl and her.  It has given me much to think about and ponder.

Trudy Budge Memorial Page

The link to the video: