Monday, October 6, 2014

Sunday Conference Notes for Camille

Camille worked at the hospital on the Sunday of conference.  Here are the text messages of the notes which I sent her so she could take a glance on her breaks.  I benefited from taking notes as I listened more intently.
Elder Nelson spoke on on prophets and prophetic revelation.  Very great talk.

Sister McConkie also spoke of our need for prophets.  God reveals His word through prophets.

Elder Hales spoke about using the Holy Ghost to come to know truth.  God wants us to seek this knowledge now.

Elder Hamula spoke about the sacrament.  He says it needs to become more sacred and holy to us. He gave a very detailed description of the great importance of the sacrament. And said, "no unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God".  He to make us clean if we have faith enough to repent.  Through the sacramental prayers we make solemn commitments to remember Him and keep his commandments.  That is a solemn promise to repent.  We also are willing to take upon His name.   When we make these commitments we are promised to have His spirit with us.  The most important event in time and eternity it the Atonement of Christ.  Regular participation in this ordinance helps us faithfully endure to the end.

President Monson:  Our primary purpose is to gain a body and have earthly experiences.  We brought a great gift-agency.   Decisions determine destiny.  He did not send us here without direction and guidance.  To help guide us: words of God, teachings of prophets, example of our Savior.  Our Savior said, Come follow me.  He marked the way and the we follow  in His footsteps we can return safely to His presence.  Emulating his example are far more important than following his historical footprints.  All of us can walk the paths He walked.  His example lights the way.  I am the truth, the way, and the life.  Jesus walked the path of disappointment.  He looked over the beautiful city Jerusalem as he lamented their wickedness.  Jesus walked the path of pain.  Consider Gethsemane or the cruel cross.  While we will find on our path bitter and sorrowful, we can also find great happiness.  Walk along with Jesus, the path of obedience.  The reward for obedience is liberty and eternal life.  Walk the path of service.  Walk the path of prayer.  Other instructions are at our fingertips.  Look to the Sermon on the Mount.  Looks to the parables and His teachings.  As we strive to push Christ at the center of His life, we can obtain eternal life.   President Monson then gives examples of Christ-like acquaintances.  The Savior's example provides a framework for everything we do.  He so testifies.  Amen.

Afternoon session:  Elder Ballard's talk compares the rules of rafting down Cataract canyon to living the gospel.   Interestingly enough, cousin Kent just sent a video featuring this canyon.  He says stay in th boat, use a life jacket, use both hands and hold onto Zion.

Elder Scott:   The fall made possible things of both happiness and sadness.  This is His perfect plan of happiness.  Our purpose Was Coming here was to be tested, tried, and stretched.  There must be an opposition in all things.  Despite all the trials, we must take time to exercise our faith.  We have tools given to us by God.  When these tools become habit it becomes the easiest way to combat our challenges.  First tool:  prayer.  Converse with God often.  If you allow God into your daily life, you will feel peace.  Safeguard your families with the power of family prayer.  2nd tool:  study and ponder the scriptures.  If you want your children to ponder and act upon the Holy Ghost promptings, study with them..this is more important then sleep, tv,games,social media etc,  promise:  if you study God'sword daily, peace will come I your life.  It is a gift of the spirit.  It will radiate out to you, influence others.  Your life will not.cease to have challenges, through study you will find peace in the world around you.  3rd tool:  weekly FHE.  Be careful not make it a weekly afterthought.  Don't let employment, sports or anything else become more important.  The gospel should be taught formally and informally.    Have a marvelous time together.  Earn a testimony of these crucial habits.  4 th tool:  go to the temple.  Use your recommend often.  Don't let anyone or anything prevent you from being there.  The temple is the best place to understand the power of the atonement.  Our Savior is the prince of peace.  When we use the tools, we are actively responding to his invititation, we are actively "coming to him".  All of our struggles won't go away, it just makes it possible to endure these trials and challenges.

Elder. (Portuguese).   Patriarchal blessing.  If we continue to live the way we are living, will the promises be fulfilled.  it is not about good and bad, but good, better and best.  1.  Consider the options with the end in mind.  Understanding who we are and why we are here gives us a broader vision.    Examples of men in scriptures, Moses, Lehi, Joseph Smith. prepared for the challenges to come.  Journeys are not easy even with correct decisions.  Sacrifices have to be made. God has a plan for us.  We are not here to waste time and die.   3.  We need to share our vision with the people we love.  When we take a particular path , the people we love will go with us.  Just because things are going well does not mean we shouldn't consider things that are better.

Elder Packer: (seventy). We must work on all the requirements when seeking the kingdom of God.  Qualifying for exaltation is like entering another country.  We must have a spiritual passport.   This is a quest of a lifetime.   One of these requirements is family history work.  All family history work requires is a decision to do it.  It doesn't take a lot of time just small bits of time.  Embrace family history work for the benefit of our dead and ourselves.   Tangible benefits that attend this work.  Young people can experience the spirit of Elijah.  This is the work of God to be done by members.  

Elder Martinez (Spanish). The Savior focuses on the individual and the family.   Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.  If you labor all your days and bring one soul to God, how great shall be your joy.  Sister Burton said, first observe, then serve.  Good Samaritan message applies to us, "go and do thou likewise".

Elder Kacher:   He was caught in a riptide.  Divine intervention helped him and his wifefind safety.  There are powerful unseen currents in our life that can be dangerous and also powerful currents that are good.  Elder Kacher is a convert.  He was a skier and eventually found himself in Provo, Ut.   As a convert everything was new.  The question was where do I turn for answers.  He asked himself, why would I turn away from something that brought such a peace.  He turned to The Lord and knew things would work out even though much was unknown.     Elder Kacher:   He was caught in a riptide.  Divine intervention helped him and his wifefind safety.

Elder Bednar:   Message to people who are not members of the church.  Devoted disciples are missionaries of what they believe.  Go ye therefore and teach all nations.  Latter-day Saints take this seriously.  When we invite you to attend church, we are not trying to sell you a product.  We are inviting you to hear the restored truths of the gospel.  Our invitations are not attempt to diminish your experiences and beliefs.   We feel a solemn responsibility to carry this message.  Our eagerness is not because of a serious duty rather because these truths are important to us.  Read about example of Elder Bednar's son.  Quite cute and teaching.  Lehi's dream of the fruit.  Lehi's partaking of the fruit was something he immediately wanted to share.  Enos said "and my soul hungered". . .then Enos after being forgiven also prayed for his family, friends.   We learn that we want to share the blessings of the atonement.   We know the anguish of sin and then the feelings of peace that the atonement brings.  We are missionaries because of absolute truth, that Jesus is the Christ and He lives.  Our invitations are because of the positive effects that the gospel is in our own lives. He turned to The Lord and knew things would work out even though much was unknown.

Well, Camille here is our concluding speaker, President Monson.  Two glorious days of wonderful messages.  We thank our Father for His blessings to us.   May we return to our homes and be little better, a little kinder, more respect, use our helping hands.  Remember the elderly, the home bound, succor the weak.  Be people of honesty and integrity.  Try to do the right things at all times.  Be faithful followers of Christ.  I invoke the blessings of heaven upon you.  Until we meet again, in 6 months time, even when Sarah is in Scotland or Ireland.  Love you dearly Camille.  Thanks for letting me share the message of conference via text.

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