Sunday, February 16, 2014

Elder Christofferson and Elder Batt

Last spring, Dave was asked to serve in the Rexburg 4th Young Single Adult Stake as a high councilman.   He has had various responsibilities associated with the calling but really it has been quite a low-stress position.  He is over music, serves as a committee member of the missionary and activity groups and speaks in a Sacrament meeting once a month.  Most of the time he is able to attend church with us, which I love.  Really it isn't too bad.  His stake was privileged to have Elder Christofferson and Elder Batt speak today in a conference setting today.  I love learning from men of God.

Elder Batt taught us to filter out that which brings us sadness and to replace it with goodness.  He said we are a more attractive people when We can make a contribution to the world around us when we serve. Today is the day to serve.  Your quality of life will be better.  Elder Batt told a story about he and his mother.  He grew up in a home where his mother was devoted to serving others.  In fact many times delicious food would leave the home and end up at a funeral or be given to someone who was sick.   On one occasion he had a dream.  He was dreaming that he was going to die soon.  He was laying in his bed preparing for death when the wonderful smell of chocolate chip cookies infiltrated his bedroom.  He stumbled out of bead and hobbled down the floor towards the cookies. When he reached the kitchen, he reached out to grab a cookie only to be stopped by his mother as she was slapping his hand, saying "Don't eat those cookies, they are for your funeral."  The audience erupted in laughter and Elder Christofferson followed up by saying that he wouldn't soon forget the very funny accounting of that dream.

Elder Christofferson

Elder Christofferson visited us because he was in Rexburg for training on Saturday and Presidnet Monson has asked them to attend a gathering with one of the stakes the next day. And the fourth stake was selected to have him speak to them. He said once a reporter asked him what were the duties of a modern-day apostle? He answered by saying 1. Feed my lambs. 2. Proclaim the gospel 3. A witness of Christ.

Feed my lambs: Nurture them with the good word. We all share this responsibility. Be watchful over each other and sustain each other. On Thursdays, the apostles meet in the temple with the first presidency. They each give an accounting of their previous week. Every week, President Monson reports on a personal visit to a nursing home, hospital, funeral etc. He never forgets the individual and finds opportunity to personally administer. Elder C. said that President Monson is particularly troubled that he can't reach everyone. This fear could paralyze him, but President Monson doesn't allow that to happen. 
Proclaim the gospel and teach all nations. Weighty responsibility when you consider the entire planet. Our missionaries are 80,000 strong.
Witness of Jesus Christ:  After the Savior ascended to heaven, he asked the 12 apostles to wait and receive the Holy Ghost before proclaiming the gospel to the world.  They had spent 3 years at the Savior's feet.  What more would they need?   But yet they were not ready, they needed the Holy Ghost.  They needed the spirit to help them fully understand and really grasp the full magnitude of what they learned and bring things to their remembrance.  They needed the Spirit to help them with the right words and they needed the gifts of the spirit.  

That is a little of what I took in this morning.  It was a great meeting.  I felt the love and concern from the brethren and sisters as they spoke, and was thankful that I could be a witness to their strong testimonies.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update mom :) I love what Elder Batt said about filtering out the bad moments in life and replacing them with the good - something I can do more of. I love you very much!
