Sunday, February 19, 2012

Confusion in Walmart's Parking Lot

We had the most hilarious experience the other night.  I drove Catherine and Sarah to Walmart so they could pick up a few items.  I chose to stay in the car and send them on their way.  Shortly thereafter, I saw Camille come out of the store and called her name across the parking lot.  She heard me and joined me in the car to visit for a few moments.

After awhile, Sarah and Catherine exited the store and began walking towards the car. Catherine took a seat in the back of the car without hesitation.   I sat and watched Sarah as she walked around the van parked next to us.  Before I knew it, she was sitting in the passenger seat of that van with the door closed.  We were gasping incredulously, wondering what on earth she was doing sitting in the seat of an unknown vehicle as a woman driver looked on in disbelief.  Of course it didn't take long for her to realize the mistake.  As fast as she had hopped in the van she hopped out and made a quick dash for her familiar Mazda.  Meanwhile, Camille, Catherine and I were doubled over in laughter.  At second glance, we realized the van was very similar to our own van which explained why she had been so quick to enter.  We watched as the shocked lady got out of the van and retrieved her baby from the back seat.  We were all commenting that the lady looked quite familiar.

 I asked Sarah what she had been thinking.  She said her biggest concern was to beat Catherine to the car so she could sit in front.  I also asked her what the conversation with the lady had been. She said we just said hello to each other and that the lady wondered out loud what Sarah was doing.  Sarah answered by saying, "I thought this was my car, but apparently it is not."  She then said a good-bye and gave an apology then left for the correct car.

The next day at school, Sarah was retelling her experience to some friends, when her orchestra stand partner (also a friend) overheard the discussion and asked, "Wait, were you that girl?" And Sarah said, "Was that your mom?"  We were amazed at the coincidence.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, Ha I would have died of embarassment. At least it was someone safe and Sarah did not scare them to death either. :o)
