Sunday, January 22, 2012

A 12 year-old son

Spencer turned 12 on January 14th.  We had a very nice weekend of celebration and events.  It started on Friday night when he had a friend birthday party inviting some of his closest buddies.  They played games here at home, ate Hawaiian Haystacks, and then ended up at "The Craze" where they played several laser tag games.  Then it was home for cake and ice cream and the opening of presents. 

The next day was his official birthday.  Grandpa and Grandma Thompson arrived to celebrate the day with us.  We spent time visiting and then going to dinner at Costa Vida.  We finished up enjoying Marie Callender's chocolate pies.  The next day, January 15th, he was ordained to the office of a deacon in the Aaronic priesthood.  It was a very special day for Spencer and our family.  Grandma and Grandpa Wood arrived to attend church with us and participate in the ordination.  Our friends, the Smiths and the Winegars also were with us.  We had a special family dinner afterwards.  We are proud of Spencer.  He is a good example of a kind brother and obedient son.  He works hard to do well in school, enjoys playing all sorts of sports, and supports his sisters in all of their girly activities.  He takes good care of his younger brother Matthew.  On Friday night, he attended Madison High school's basketball game with Matthew.  The rest of us went to DYW program in the same building.  It was nice to be able to give Spencer and Matthew instructions and have them follow them when they attended the game without us.  

DYW is the new name replacing the Jr. Miss name.  Because Sarah earned a talent award the year before, she returned to perform her talent for this years program.  She danced as beautifully as she ever has.  Probably one of her finest performances.  She also was welcomed back on the stage with her father to honor her title as last years 1st runner-up.  She was beautiful and Dave was quite handsome.

Catherine is now adorning braces.  They were placed on her teeth last Tuesday.  It has been a miserable few days but she is past the initial pain.  Thank-goodness!

Matthew earned his Wolf cub scout award on Thursday and also a gold and silver arrow point.  He was happy with his accomplishments. 

Camille completed two days of proctorships at Idaho Falls Mountain View Hospital this week  She was very happy with her shift because the nurse in charge allowed her to have plenty of new experiences.  Something a potential nurse is surely seeking.

Kirsten is desperately seeking a new job.  She wants to be able to attend her Family Home Evening group.  And her current job, besides all the unpleasantries, schedules her on Monday nights.  She applied  for a bookstore job this week.  There are a lot of openings so we are hoping something will turn up.

I am playing for a senior recital jury tomorrow.  Our program includes the entire E minor Brahms cello Sonata.  It has been difficult to learn, especially the 3rd movement since it is almost entirely eighth notes against triplets.  But I must say I have enjoyed challenging myself with tough music. 

Dave's past week was fairly low key, but this upcoming weekend is the region honor choir which is held at BYU-I.  This gives him a few duties for the weekend.  

One more event worthy of recording.  Dave attended the temple with Sarah, Catherine, and Spencer on Saturday evening to do baptisms for the dead.  It was Spencer's first time.  Our ward has many opportunities to attend the temple.  In fact this week, the youth had two baptism assignments to fulfill.  Sarah's recommend became lost for a portion of time so the Tuesday night didn't work out but all fell in place for the Saturday assignment.

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