Friday, July 23, 2010

Congrats! Camille

Going to school for 3 semesters in a row is a big undertaking.  Camille just finished her last final for the Spring track and is now officially out of school for 7 weeks.  After serving in her church calling since December, she was released as Relief Society president on Sunday.  To make life even busier, she worked at her regular job at "Circle of Love", was a chemistry tutor and taught a ballet class twice a week for the high school drill team.  On top of that, she is a member of the dance team at BYU-I which practices 7-10 hours each week.  We love you Camille.  Thanks for working hard to meet your responsibilities and all the while remembering to be a good daughter and friend.  Good luck Camille as you enjoy a 2 week tour doing something that brings you great joy.

1 comment:

  1. Good run-down of Camille's activities and our congratulations to her as well for surviving and doing her best.
