Sunday, May 2, 2010

Baseball, prom invites, and ISATs

We have never experienced Babe Ruth baseball until this year. We signed both Matthew and Spencer up to play. Matthew is in coach-pitch and Spencer is playing regular baseball. They each have enjoyed the association with other boys and the competitive nature of the game. Baseball in Idaho is not necessarily pleasant for the spectator. We have been in the midst of windstorms, rainstorms and snowstorms along with chilly temperatures. It certainly takes endurance on our part to "weather the storms".

Kirsten and her "project citizen" group placed 2nd against other senior presentations. They missed the winner bracket by a very small margin. If they had placed first, they would have presented it in Boise. Kirsten claims their judges were very pessimistic about their proposals thus maybe that influenced their decision.

Kirsten and Sarah both were asked to the Commencement Dance. This is Madison's formal prom. Kirsten was asked by a Junior friend, Zach Fuller and Sarah was invited by her friend Christopher Bressler. Both are thrilled and excited for the invite. The date occurs on May 15th.

We attended Samuel Hibbard's eagle court of honor on Saturday. He is the son of our friends whom we met in Beaver, Utah long ago. Interestingly enough, we both left Beaver the same year to do graduate work and then within a few years, Dave and Rob, ended up at Madison High School together. Most of their time is spent preparing the annual musical. That reminds me, the musical for next year was announced last night at the Spring play. It will be "Singing in the Rain" That is one our family's favorite movies.

Catherine was happy to report that her score on the math ISAT was the highest in her class. A good accomplishment for someone who isn't to sure that she likes Math.

Well a few updates to keep you from wondering what is happening.


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