Sunday, April 11, 2010

April Fooled Us with 3 inches of Snow

We enjoyed a lovely Spring break. The weather didn't really fit the title. I believe we received about 3 inches of snow. It has since melted and now we are looking forward to another attempt at Spring weather. The air seemed to be little warmer today. There is hope.
A few updates:
Camille just finished her 4th semester at BYU-I. She gets to relax this next week before she resumes her classes. Because she is in Dance Alliance again this year, she is staying in school for Spring Term. At the end of this next term the team will travel to the Northwest to perform their show.

Kirsten is savoring every moment of her senior year. She has loved the social part of her senior year and doesn't want all the fun to end. This past weekend Sarah and Kirsten went to the high school's Spring Fling with some guys that they invited. At the end of the dance, they discovered the car that they rode to the dance in was covered in ketchup and peanut butter. So at midnight they went to the car wash.

Our garage door suffered some damage for the second time in it's life cycle. On Thursday as Kirsten was beginning to back the car out for dance, she discovered that she hadn't pushed up the door to get the right amount of clearance for the van. Hence, she pushed out the bottom panel of the garage door and shattered the rear window in the van. It was a sad moment. But the expense has not added up to be as much as we assumed it might be in the beginning. The repairman was able to straighten the door and the body shop found a window in another van that they will install. Then they will take care of the dents on the door. Really not what we had hoped to spend our money on but at least less expensive options worked out. The first damage to the same door happened about ten years ago, when I had a very similar experience. Of course I couldn't get to upset with Kirsten.

Spencer and Matthew are trying out Babe Ruth baseball for the first time. We haven't experienced any games yet, but I do know that it is taken fairly seriously by many adult men in our area. We will have to see how it all goes. The boys are excited.

Catherine has been busy choreographing dance moves for the mini-musical to be put on by the youth in our ward. Kirsten and Sarah have been good sports and helped her out. They have come up with some pretty cute ballroom moves.

Well that was a short update considering it has been a month. I think our lives have been rather ordinary lately which is a good thing. No complaining.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for telling a little about the things that are going on.
