Epistle to the Loganites
Each month the Thompson family joins together on Zoom and studies the “Come Follow Me” lesson for the week. We each take turns leading the discussion. Currently, we are studying the epistles from Paul found in 1 Corinthians. Mark invited us to write an epistle to a family member and explain how they emulate Christ in their lives. Here is my epistle. Just as Paul picked a location, I thought I would do the same.
What Dad, Mom and Mark have taught me as they follow Christ.
When I think of the examples of those who live at 483 West 400 North, various Christlike qualities are evident!
This experience plays over and over in my mind as I strive to be loving in my reactions to my family members. When I was in high school, one evening I pulled out of our driveway and backed into Craig Aston’s pick-up truck parked on the other side of the street. My actions left a large dent. I was so embarrassed and worried about the responses I would get. I went in and told Dad about the situation. He calmly told me that he would go talk with Craig and we would work it out. He handled it from there and didn’t make me feel stupid or incompetent. I felt loved and protected at that moment and have felt the same throughout my life.
Doing good, lifting where she stands and being diligent are some words to describe Mom. I’m not sure Mom has ever forgotten a birthday, if she has she is quick to make amends. She is consistent in delivering birthday greetings, in celebrating accomplishments, and in providing temple work for ancestors. She keeps us connected as a family with her efforts. It’s something I don’t for granted anymore. Each time I receive a birthday card written with love and print a temple card, I am grateful for her presence in my life.
Mark stopped me last time I was in Logan to recite Martin Luther King’Jr’s speech. I don’t think I had ever taken the time to listen to his speech. It was motivating to hear Mark recite the speech and also inspiring to hear the content. Mark demonstrates a great desire to obtain knowledge. I have taken his example of goal setting and applied them to my own personal study habits. This past year I made good improvement towards being more consistent in studying and am on track to finish all four standard works by the end of the year! Also, I have always had an interest in geography. Following Mark’s appetite to learn, I can now identify all the countries, their capitals and their flags.
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