Covid-19 has disrupted so much of our lives. I'll start with one of the biggest changes for our family. On April 21, 2018, Spencer opened a mission call from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was called to labor in the Mexico City North Mission speaking Spanish. His assignment was to report to the Mexico City Mission Training Center on August 28th. The intent was for him to serve a two year mission with a planned return around August 12th of 2020. That was before we knew that coronavirus or Covid-19 was a thing. When it became apparent of the effect that the virus was having on foreign countries, the church made the decision to return home a majority of missionaries serving in foreign countries. Within a month, thousands of missionaries returned to their countries from their assigned areas of service. For a short period of time, I wondered if Mexico would pass by without to much effect but in time Mexico and the US announced that their borders would be closing so that they could reduce the spread of the virus. In just one week of time, Spencer went from not seeking out new people to teach, to being under a stay at home policy, to then coming home. It was not the kind of closure any of the missionaries expected but it was what needed to be done. His good friends from high school also returned home from the countries where they were serving. Peter Bressler returned from Africa, Brian Andreasen returned from the Philippines and Nathan Geimlich returned from Peru. They were all home within a space of a couple of weeks.
Because of the policies of the United States and Idaho, only Dave, Matthew and I were able to pick Spencer up at the airport. On March 31st shortly after 8:00 pm, we waited outside the airport doors with other awaiting families A plane arrived with a group of missionaries returning from several different countries. They arrived in a rainstorm so photo opportunities were not the best. We were able to get a few photos to remember but I wish I had thought to get more.
Since everything was unconventional in our welcoming of missionaries, I organized an opportunity for neighbors to welcome Spencer. The morning of the day he was to arrive home, I contacted all the ward neighbors who lived in our corner of the subdivision and asked them to watch for my text that evening. Upon receiving my text, I asked them to come to their porches and give a wave and a shout to welcome Spencer back home. Everyone was excited to be part. At that point, we had all been staying home and away from people for a couple of weeks and it was fun to do and activity together. Not only did we have waves but there were posters, flashlights and even fireworks. It was really fun!
We took pictures of Spencer as he was inside the airport waiting for luggage and then at the doors of the airport. I'm sad that somehow we missed getting a photo of Matthew with Spencer. Matthew was there and was so excited to welcome him home!
We visited with Spencer for a short time and then President Zenger, our stake president, called to release him. It has been so apparent to me from listening to Spencer's tender words that he had many powerful and tender experiences while serving in Mexico. He loved the people there and continues to show love and emotion for the people he diligently served for 19 1/2 months. His testimony of our Savior's mission on earth is strong and he desires to continue to study and share his testimony with others. We love you Spencer. Thank-you for your faith, example and love.
The morning of Spencer's return. He is pictured with other returning missionaries and President and Sister Severson. |
Spencer and Julie at the Idaho Falls Airport. |
Spencer with his welcome home sign. |
Spencer and Dave |
He looked so great and he was so happy. |
Spencer brought me a beautiful blouse. |
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