Where do I begin? Since my last blogpost, Spencer has served a full-time mission and is now home. We are in the midst of experiencing events in this world that have never happened before. It really is unprecedented. Major family changes include the marriages of Sarah and Catherine and the births of four grandchildren.
Lots to recap but for now I'll start with today.
We are in our 10th week of having home church. In December, a virus named COVID-19 started in China. The origins are undecided at this point. This little microscopic bug has been the cause of immense change to everyone's lives. The most dramatic changes for us have been cancelling of school, cancelling of church, and staying home for almost two months. Everything has come to a standstill. This past week our state of Idaho has been opening back up. Businesses are open again and more people are venturing out. We pray that things will continue to improve.
Today was a typical Sunday. I mean typical for the last 2 months. Dave held his meetings through Zoom which is an on-line meeting format. All attendees can be in the same meeting but stay at home. I also attended a Zoom meeting for my calling. The week before church was changed to home meetings, I was called to serve in the ward Relief Society presidency as 2nd counselor. I was released from my previous calling as a Relief Society instructor. I felt sad to be released but I'm okay to try a new calling. I serve with Cherie Hodgson, Wendy Heder and Doreen Sorensen. It is an interesting time to serve in a presidency with the changes to ministering. This next week I begin my second round of interviewing sisters about their ministering assignments. It has been enjoyable to meet and visit with sisters in this way.
In the late afternoon, we invited Sarah's and Catherine's families over for dinner. I served hamburger stroganoff, mashed potatoes, corn, whole wheat bread a
nd oatmeal cake. I had recently come across the oatmeal cake recipe that was given to me by Madge Meek over 20 years ago. I had never tried it until today. It was a keeper at least in Dave's book. I'll have to make it again. After dinner and the dishes, we decided to go for a walk around Nature Park and Eagle Park. These two parks are on the northwest corner of Rexburg and border the Teton River. The major downside of the parks is the location. Nearby is the water treatment plant where the smells can be very offensive.
We walked through the parks pushing two strollers that were holding two adorable babies. Here is an introduction of our new son in-laws and two new grand babies. Sarah and Ben Stevens welcomed Poppy Elizabeth Stevens to their family on December 2nd, 2019 and Catherine and Caleb Allred welcomed William Lewis Allred to their family on September 10th, 2019.
I love being together with family on Sundays. These are days never to be forgotten. Both Ben and Caleb are preparing for graduate studies and will be preparing to move elsewhere next year when they have determined where their studies will take them and their families. I will enjoy these wonderful people while I can.
Along with the girls and their families, we had Spencer and Matthew adding to our fun. On March 31 of this year, Spencer returned from the Mexico City North mission 4 1/2 months earlier then planned. Many missionaries serving in countries other then the United States were assigned to end their missions early because of closing borders and the threat of the virus. Though it was very disappointing to have to leave early, he has been an immense pleasure to have home again. His testimony and understanding of the gospel are incredibly strengthening to me and our family. We are blessed to have him with us.
It has been a challenging time for Matthew. The school year ended very abruptly back in March because of the virus. So many experiences ended without closure. Matthew loved participating in his music classes and he especially loved being part of vocal spectrum. They were an exceptionally talented group this year. Having no closure and the having many things end without warning has been a huge disruption in the lives of students. My best advice to Matthew is to take each day one step at a time and try not to worry too much about the future. Easily said but difficult to do.
Our walk was so enjoyable. I love being with family and though we weren't all their together, we hold a tight bond with one another. Each week we miss Kirsten, Camille, Jonathan, Lincoln and Adelyn. There will be times in the future that we can spend some time together. I very much look forward to that day!
Chatting in Eagle Park |
William has a flower for his mom |
William and Poppy |
Love their sweet faces |
Catherine, Caleb, Spencer, Ben, Matthew and Sarah with William and Poppy in the front. |
Mom and Poppy |
Mom and William |
Dipping his toes |
Caleb hanging out on a branch |
William gets a shoulder ride |
Julie |
Two uncles pushing strollers |