A few events of the week include: Kirsten turned 22 in Washington DC. She is doing an internship with the Federal Judiciary Center for the fall semester. It is one of the few paid internships that they offer. So she has been happy to be earning money while seeing the sights of DC. President Obama waved at her from his limo on Veteran's Day while they were attending the ceremony at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. She was thrilled and was sure that the wave was personally to her.
Camille moved to SLC this past Wednesday. She starts her new job at the U of U Medical Center tomorrow. She is nervous but also very excited for this new chapter. Already she has enjoyed city life. She attended the symphony on Friday, the ballet on Saturday and is going to Michael Buble on Tuesday. I think she is going to love the activities of a bigger city.
Sarah is majoring in elementary ed. at BYU-I. She loves her practicum class where she is given the opportunity to teach in a real life situation. I think she has found her niche in life. In fact the teacher whose classroom she recently taught in asked to add Sarah's lesson plan into her teaching curriculum. She also is kept very busy working at the bridal shop.
Catherine has been an awesome tap dancer in White Christmas. I have to say that I love the message of this show. It focuses on the giving spirit of Christmas. The music and dancing are great. I recommend seeing it if you ever have the opportunity in the future.
Spencer and Matthew are excited for Christmas. In fact Matthew insisted that we draw names for Christmas so we can start considering what we will be giving.
Today, our lesson in YW's was on gratitude. We reviewed the parable of the ten lepers and considered why the nine didn't give thanks. Probably we all can identify with why at times we forget to show thanks. Maybe we forget, or maybe we are too busy, or maybe we assume that people already feel thanked. So my message to the YW was to be thankful for the small things and to express thanks often to those people in our lives.
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