A few updates about our family.
David: reform in education is a hot topic in Idaho. Laws have recently been passed that will make for some big changes. New laws include merit based pay, the end ofcollective bargaining, phasing out tenure etc. Many teachers feel frustrated but I guess all we can do is be patient and hope that these changes will really work to improve the outlook for teachers.
Julie: Enjoying being a mom, increasing my load at the college by doing lots of accompanying and answering lots of phone calls from the grown-up daughters living the college life.
Camille: Really enjoying her nursing education, doing clinicals at EIRMC, serving her Relief Society, continuing to help brides find the perfect wedding dress.
Kirsten: Working hard to keep up with studies, excited to be employed by Badger Creek this summer as a youth counselor, just finished signing up for housing next year where she and her friends camped for 3 nights in a tent so they could be first in line. Must be great housing.
Sarah: Starting a new trimester tomorrow, preparing for Jr. Miss ( wishing that she could glean good advice from Sis. Ladle just as her older sisters were able to do- but of course we are so glad that you are in Africa serving and leading in the gospel), getting her wisdom teeth removed on Wednesday.
Catherine: Really enjoying school and friends, excited to attend dance camp in the summer with Sarah, recently called to be 2nd counselor in the MiaMaids.
Spencer: Just finished basketball season and looking forward to baseball, did a little rap routine for his class play about Science and outer space, just mixed and baked his first batch of cookies without much help.
Matthew: Also, finishing up basketball and beginning baseball, recently memorized Articles of Faith 1-8 in preparation for baptism, looking forward to baptism on July 2.
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