Sarah with her new softball glove and backpack.

Blowin' out the candles....
"Sweet Sarah Spotlight"---Since it is a celebration of Sarah today, here a few thoughts from MOM.
Sarah is determined. She doesn't quit early. If she has a project or homework assignment, she sees it through to the end.
Sarah is a kind sibling. She is good to go with the flow whether it is playing with the youngsters or chatting with her older sisters.
Sarah is creative. She likes to create gifts for her friends and family. She makes homemade cards for her friends. On one occasion, she knitted each family member a hat for Christmas with her "knifty knitter".
Sarah is helpful. She is a good detector of stress and steps into help when she suspects it is needed.
Sarah is talented. She takes time to develop her talents in many areas. Specifically, she takes viola and ballet lessons and enjoys singing in her high school women's choir.
Sarah is able to work around her health challenges and make the most of life.
Sarah is loved. We are thankful that she is a part of our family.
Sarah received some unusual gifts for her 16th year. One present was a softball mitt. I have to say the girls in our family are seriously lacking in the sports department. Since they have brothers that enjoy throwing a ball, I thought it important to better their abilities in this area. Other gifts: a new backpack, jeans and tinted, waxed eyebrows. Her eyebrows were so blond and bushy that they needed some professional help, so we took her to a friend and she received a lesson to help her figure out the eyebrow thing.
Catherine has developed a desire to decorate cakes, so she skipped ballet to prepare the chocolate birthday cake with pink frosting accenting the chocolate.
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