Welcome to our Family blog. We are the Hinck Family of Rexburg, Id. Not only are we family, but we are the best of friends. We play together, cry together, laugh together, sing together, learn together, and are striving to become closer and closer each day. There are 8 of us. David and Julie (aka Dad and Mom) are our amazing parents. They have been married for 21 and are as happy as they day they were married.
Camille is in her sophomore year of college at BYU-I in Rexburg. She is majoring in Dietetics as soon as she gets her associates at BYUI and can transfer to BYU in Provo.
Kirsten is in her senior year of high school and is busy with all the craziness of getting ready to graduate. She is currently the female lead in her high school play, The Music Man. That is certainly keeping her nice and busy.
Sarah is just starting high school as a sophomore. (That's when high school starts in Rexburg.) She is Miss Social Butterfly... at least that is what we hear. She is a talented violist in the high school orchestra and is taking from an amazing teacher. She is certainly going to go far with that talent, no doubt.And Catherine is our 7th grader. She also plays in her school orchestra but plays the violin instead. Right now she is busy preparing for the ballet "The Nutcracker" in December. All of the Hinck sisters will be dancing in the show this December.
The 2 boys come at the end. Yes, this probably makes them the spoiled ones of the gang, but we love them for it. Spencer and Matthew are always on the go. Spencer is a little more reserved, but Matthew makes up for that. We guarantee he does.
Last but not least is Sophie. Sophie is our adopted daughter...and she's our cat at the same time. Sophie has to be in the house before Mom goes to bed, just like her kids.
All in all, we love each other. Our differences are what make us complimentary to one another. We are a family, a forever family.
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