School started at Madison this week. Dave is on his 29th year of teaching. We have been at Madison for about 24 years and after all that time we finally have all the music filed away in a very orderly manner. It took two weeks of sorting and purging but we finished the day before Dave had a faculty meeting in his room. Dave made a big pile of music to discard or as the district says “put it in surplus”, we emptied all of the files then reorganized them, and we put away many, many pieces of music. It was a huge project and at times it felt as if we would never finish. The efforts we made will make a big difference for Dave. He will spend much less time looking for music. Things will be much easier to find because there is significant less clutter. It’s a big improvement!

Lincoln started 1st grade on Monday. When Camille talked to his teacher today, she said Lincoln has so much imagination. It’s true, he does like to find opportunity to put himself in an adventure, or pretend to be an animal or get lost in time. He has yet to understand the concept of being late. Camille is trying to teach him that it is to everyone’s benefit when he arrives on time to school.
I have been doing yoga each morning. I started after I visited the doctor about my back. Each morning I would wake up to a lot of back pain. He suggested either doing exercises or getting an MRI. I chose the first and it has made a huge difference!