Monday, February 23, 2015
Dave turns Fifty
This Monday, February 23, Dave turned 50. He said that he had a good day. We started it off by having a simple breakfast. I think it was cold cereal. Catherine, Matthew and I left at 7:30 to decorate his room in balloons and posted sign. A few days earlier I had asked the choirs to give Dave perfect rehearsals for his birthday. Thankfully, they followed through with great rehearsals. In return I them O'henry bars.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Sarah's Mission Call
Back on Wednesday, September 3, 2014, a large white envelope came in the mail. I was the first to discover it and decided to tuck it away high up in the cupboard. But then as I was talking to my neighbor, Chantell, she suggested I put the mail back in the box and let her discover it after she returned home from work. I took her suggestion and returned it to the mailbox. I picked her up at 6:00 from Circle of Love and surprisingly enough she didn't say anything about the mail. Every other day she had asked about mail as soon as she stepped into the car. We returned home and were just getting ready to eat dinner when she remembered to inquire about mail. I sent her to the box and we heard a little scream as she opened it up and recognized the white envelope.
We determined that it would be fine to open her call it that evening around 8:45 p.m. when Camille and Kirsten could be on the phone with us. She sat on the piano bench and opened up her the envelope and read it aloud. We were all so surprised that she was traveling to a different country. I had just assumed because of her history with seizures in middle school, she would stay close to home. It was such an exciting moment to find out where she would be serving as a missionary for 18 months. After she opened the call, we called family members and drove to find our neighbors, the Winegars and then the Smiths.
Sarah opened the call while sitting on the piano bench. Above the piano is an oil painting which my grandmother Thompson painted. It was interesting that this would serve as a connection to her mission call as Grandpa and Grandma Thompson served as a couple in the very mission Sarah would be going to.
Spencer's Birthday
Spencer's birthday came and went amidst the whirlwind of activities happening in our home. Sarah was scheduled to leave for England on the morning of his birthday so we did a bit of celebrating the night before so Sarah could take part. We made a cookie monster dessert, opened his main present (a bat) and sang to him. Also, that evening Sarah was set apart to be a full-time missionary by our stake president, President Moore. Bishop Hunt joined our family for the occasion. Dave and Bishop Hunt stood in the circle as President Moore set her apart and pronounced a blessing. Many blessings were mentioned but one specific blessing that stood out was his mention of blessing her with the "gift of tongues". Maybe a little unusual since she is serving in an English speaking mission but it addressed a concern that Sarah has had of understanding the heavy accents that she will come across.
The next morning we were up by 4:30 so we could be on the road by 5:20 heading to the airport in Idaho Falls. There were a few nervous feelings in the car as we drove but upon pulling up to the airport another missionary was sighted. This gave Sarah a much desired relief as she was a bit nervous of possibly flying alone. She ended up flying with this elder the entire way and joined up with other missionaries in the Denver and Newark airports.
A few tears were exchanged as we said our good-byes. It was a sweet moment for our family as we sent her up the stairs to the airport gates. Technology was a blessing for our us giving Kirsten the ability to join together in all of these activities via face time.
We drove home together and placed our focus on the amazing opportunity she has been given and also prayers for some dear friends in their time of need.
That evening Spencer continued his birthday activities by participating in open gym in preparation for upcoming baseball try-outs and a church basketball game. The birthday boy gave a good contribution with 16 points. A good day for him.
The next morning we were up by 4:30 so we could be on the road by 5:20 heading to the airport in Idaho Falls. There were a few nervous feelings in the car as we drove but upon pulling up to the airport another missionary was sighted. This gave Sarah a much desired relief as she was a bit nervous of possibly flying alone. She ended up flying with this elder the entire way and joined up with other missionaries in the Denver and Newark airports.
A few tears were exchanged as we said our good-byes. It was a sweet moment for our family as we sent her up the stairs to the airport gates. Technology was a blessing for our us giving Kirsten the ability to join together in all of these activities via face time.
We drove home together and placed our focus on the amazing opportunity she has been given and also prayers for some dear friends in their time of need.
That evening Spencer continued his birthday activities by participating in open gym in preparation for upcoming baseball try-outs and a church basketball game. The birthday boy gave a good contribution with 16 points. A good day for him.
Sisters--Sister Hinck, Camille, Catherine |
Sweet parting. |
Siblings-Spencer, Sarah. Camille, Catherine, and Matthew. (We were skyping with Kirsten the entire time.) |
Catherine has had no shortage of tears. |
Sarah, Dad and Mom |
We are proud of her. |
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All of us. This is also the day Spencer turned 15. |
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Sarah Speaks
Before leaving on her journey to the England MTC, Sarah spoke in Sacrament Meeting in the Mill Hollow First Ward on January 11th, 2015. Her testimony and prepared talk will long be remembered by her family. She touched our hearts as she shared her convictions.
I have inserted her written talk:
I have inserted her written talk:
1st John 2:3-4 says, “And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”
This summer I had the opportunity to go MIDNIGHT white water rafting on the Payette River with my cousin, aunt, and uncle. Because I had never been rafting in the daytime, let alone in the dark, I was terrified to go. As we made the preparations to go, I became more and more nervous about the situation. However, shortly after we began our journey, I began to relax because I got to know our “raft guide” a little better. I learned that he had traveled the river many times during the summer and that he knew the river from back to front. While on the river, the rapids were incredibly loud, but you could not see them without looking through the view of a flashlight. However, I knew that as long as I followed all of the directions our guide gave, the raft would not capsize and that I would actually enjoy the ride. It is important to have someone to guide us in the decisions that we make. However, unless we come to know our guide well and listen to the instructions that he gives us we can fall into dangerous rapids. We will not feel secure and safe.
Heavenly Father is our leader on our river of life. As a result, it is crucial that we learn of him and develop a strong relationship with him. It is through the simple little steps that we do each day that we come to know God more. To know God, we must keep his commandments as it states in 1st John. Some of these commandments include reading the scriptures and kneeling in prayer. We also must lean on our faith and testimony for our knowledge of God to grow.
Growing up, daily scripture study was an important part of my family’s day. Although there was often much mumbling and sleeping going on during scripture study, my parents were consistent in recognizing that reading out of the scriptures was an important event during the day. I do not remember any particular discussion we had during family scripture study. However, I know with a surety that my parents knew God because they would often bear testimony of him and urged my siblings and I to study more about him in the scriptures. My parents taught me at a young age that I could go to the scriptures to receive comfort from my Heavenly Father in a time of discouragement or stress. On numerous occasions I have taken their advice and found that in these moments when I have strived to draw closer to God, I have been able to feel peace and recognize that everything will be all right. I recently completed reading the Book of Mormon again in my personal study. As I have taken the time out of my day to learn more about my Father in Heaven, I have been more aware of his spirit and have gained a testimony that he is real. Through my studies I have learned that God is merciful, loving, and will always lead in the direction we need to be in. The scriptures bear witness of God our Father. When we strive to read them daily, we learn of God’s commandments and as a result come to know God.
To know God, we must strengthen our relationship with Him. The core of any relationship is found in good communication. Communication with our Heavenly Father is done through sincere and consistent prayer. We should willing pour out our thoughts and desires to him. God has promised to listen to our prayers and in return we should be dedicated to following his counsel and guidance given to us. Prayer allows us to recognize our divine nature and become more Christ-like. Through prayer, we come to know God.
Because life can be hard, sometimes all that can do is lean on is our faith that there is a God. One of my favorite books is “The Hiding Place” by Corrie Ten Bloom. This is the true story of two sisters who lived in Amsterdam during the time of World War II. After they were discovered hiding Jews in their home, they were arrested and taken to a concentration camp. While in the concentration camp they lived in dismal conditions and were forced to work beyond their abilities. However grave their circumstances seemed to be, the sisters would read out-loud their bible and were able to lift the spirits of those around them. They continued to read their scriptures and pray because they had faith that God cared for them and understood their needs. They developed a relationship with God and slowly were able to see tiny miracles in their lives.
As I have worked hard to follow the teaching of the scriptures and pray daily to my Heavenly Father, I have strengthened my relationship with God. Knowing God, does not solve all of our problems, but it will help us to overcome them. In the April 1972 General Conference, Bernard P. Brockbank said, “The Lord has indicated that the gates of hell cannot prevail against revelation from him to any one of his children who desires to know the living God and to know the living Jesus Christ. This is available by divine commitment and by divine will, that for anyone desiring to know God the Eternal Father and to know his Son Jesus Christ, God is under commitment and the gates of hell cannot prevail against that commitment; and it will be revealed through the power and principle of revelation direct from God to the one desiring to receive that information.”
We must remember that God will not be mocked. In the Book of Mormon, we read of Korihor, an anti-Christ. Korihor did not believe in God and tried hard to get others to follow his footsteps. He was not just okay with denying that there was a God, rather he did all he could to ridicule the church and mocked all those that believed. Elder Robert D. Hales reminds us that, “Alma’s response [to Korihor] is as meaningful today as it was then: “Thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your God? Will ye say, Show unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of all these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets? The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator.”
Eventually Korihor was given a sign. He was struck dumb. “And Korihor put forth his hand and wrote, saying: … I know that nothing save it were the power of God could bring this upon me; yea, and I always knew that there was a God.” .
We cannot believe in God and then go and disobey his commandments. If we do this, we will be slow to recognize his love and his miracles.
Christ was the greatest example of one who strives to know God. He prayed to him, went to the temple, and bore his testimony that he is our Father. Because of his faith in God, he was able to heal the sick, cast out devils, and perform many miracles among men. As I walk in his footsteps and try to pattern my life after him, I become closer to God.
The more knowledge I gain of the reality of my Father in Heaven, the more I recognize the unlimited amount of love that he has for me. He knows of my strengths, weaknesses, sorrows, and joy. The love that he expresses for me helps me to carry on and on. Neil L. Anderson related the following story,
“I once visited a mission in southern Europe. I arrived on the day a new missionary was preparing to return home at his own insistence. He had his ticket to leave the next day.
We sat together in the mission president’s home. The missionary told me about his challenging childhood, of learning disorders, of moving from one family to another. He spoke sincerely of his inability to learn a new language and adapt to a new culture. Then he added, “Brother Andersen, I don’t even know if God loves me.” As he said those words, I felt a sure and forceful feeling come into my spirit: “He does know I love him. He knows it.”
I let him continue for a few more minutes, and then I said, “Elder, I’m sympathetic to much of what you’ve said, but I must correct you on one thing: you do know God loves you. You know He does.”
As I said those words to him, the same Spirit that had spoken to me spoke to him. He bowed his head and began to cry. He apologized. “Brother Andersen,” he said, “I do know God loves me; I do know it.” He didn’t know everything, but he knew enough. He knew God loved him. That priceless piece of spiritual knowledge was sufficient for his doubt to be replaced with faith. He found the strength to stay on his mission.”
Although I am a young and I do not know everything, I have no doubt that there is a God and I know that he loves me. And that is enough. It is enough to help me realize that if I put my trust in him, my testimony will grow. It is enough to bring me happiness, and that is the happiness I want to share with others. That is why I have chosen to serve a mission. I want each person to have the opportunity to have a personal revelation for themselves that God is real and that he loves them.
Robert D. Hales said, “Gaining this knowledge is ultimately the quest of all God’s children on the earth. If you cannot remember believing in God or if you have ceased to believe or if you believe but without real conviction, I invite you to seek a testimony of God now. Do not be afraid of ridicule. The strength and peace that come from knowing God and having the comforting companionship of His Spirit will make your efforts eternally worthwhile.
Even more, with your own testimony of God, you will be able to bless your family, your posterity, your friends, your own life—all those you love. Your personal knowledge of God is not only the greatest gift you will ever give, but it will bring you the greatest joy you will ever have.”
Many family members and friends shared this most special day with us. Visiting our home were Grandpa and Grandma Thompson, Grandma Wood, Mary, Anna, Clara and Bennett Thompson, Sara Jane Thompson and her friend Eric, Mark Thompson, Layne, Dixie and Daniel Dalton, and Vicky Benson. Many friends also joined us in our home. We served some yummy soups, green salad, rolls and cookies. After finishing up our hosting, we created another fun memory, (to be explained in a later post) and then went to the high school and gave Dave the opportunity to practice his beloved hobby of taking pictures.
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Catherine, Julie, Mary and Anna |
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Sara Jane and Eric |
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Same plus Mark |
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Todd, Sarah, Alisa and Erin Smith |
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Grandma Thompson and Spencer |
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Grandma Wood and Sarah |
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Front l-r, Clara, Bennett, Matthew, Dave, Mark middle, Jonathan, Camille, Sarah, Spencer back-Grandma and Grandpa T., Eric, Sara Jane, Catherine, Julie, Kirsten, Anna, Mary, Grandma Wood |
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Dave's photo session
Camille's Endowment Day
This day will be recorded in the eternities for Camille Anne Hinck. She received her own endowment at the 1:30 p.m. session in the Rexburg Temple. She enjoyed the presence of many family and friends including her dad and mom, Sarah, Grandpa and Grandma Thompson, Grandma Wood, Sara Jane Thompson, Mark Thompson, Todd and Alisa Smith, Steve and Chantell Winegar, and her boyfriend, Jonathan Wright. She was truly beautiful surrounded by the setting of the temple. I have long been awaiting this moment to accompany my daughters through the temple for their first time. My dream has finally been realized this past month.
It was also an occasion that will give us a good laugh for many years to come, but I will have to explain the source of our smiles another time:)
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Camille and Jonathan |
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Sarah, Julie, & Camille |
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David, Sarah, Camille, Julie |
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Left to Right: Sara Jane Thompson, Sarah, Mark Thompson, Tamera, Camille, Kent Thompson, Julie, Sue Anne, David. |
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Same as above-plus Jonathan Wright |
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plus...Todd, Alisa, and Trevor Smith. |
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Jonathan and Camille |
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Jonathan and Camille |
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Sarah and Camille |
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"Two Sarahs" --Sara Jane Thompson and Sarah Hinck |
Sarah's Off
Sis. Sarah Hinck flew off to England this past Wednesday. She arrived safely and we even got a short e-mail from her telling us that the grass is emerald green and there is a lot of sheep. (My mom commented, "well that is good literally and figuratively," We are grateful for the opportunity to have a missionary in the family.
Spencer turned 15 years old on the day Sarah left. In the evening he celebrated by playing church basketball and was happy to make 16 points.
Matthew and Spencer dug a snow cave in the snowbank between our driveway and the neighbor's driveway . It is quite big and possibly a couple of young men could sleep in it.
It was so great having Camille and Kirsten home for a few days. We loved visiting with them. Camille was able to go through the temple last Saturday and receive her endowment. It was wonderful to have Sarah present for this special day.
We are finally at the point of having carpet installed in our basement this Thursday. Everyone is excited to be able to resume basement use.
It has been pretty pleasant weather. We received a few inches of snow this week which made for a beautiful winter scene in Rexburg.
This is picture of our kitchen wall. The clock is set to the time in Great Britain so that we can know what Sarah is doing with just a glance. The map is of Great Britain. It will be fun to follow her travels. The illustrated girl is called "flat Sarah". Sarah and Matthew drew her before she left. We are to take her on our activities and include her in our pictures
We have a happy spirit in our home as we think of Sarah fulfilling her desire to serve a mission.
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