Sunday, November 21, 2010

Visit from Kirsten

This past weekend and tomorrow, MHS is presenting "Singing in the Rain".  Because Kirsten loves drama and music (as we all do) she headed north from Provo so she could join us in the show.  Sarah danced in many numbers and as always Dave worked the sound and music.  This all took place in the brand new auditorium.  It really is a beautiful hall with state of the art equipment.  We are lucky to have it in our community.  And now Kirsten is headed back to Provo in a bit of challenging weather.
Dancing to the song "All I Do"

Singing "You Stepped Out of a Dream"

While Kirsten was home, we had small birthday party to acknowledge her day that was actually last Saturday, November 13.  We had pumpkin-chocolate swirl brownies and ice cream.  Her present was a camera so now she can take lots of pictures to help keep us in touch with her BYU life.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Spencer - Student of the Week

This week Spencer is the "Student of the Week" for his classroom.  His teacher, Mrs. Thomason, asked us to write up a few thoughts about him.  We decided to share them on the blog as well...


Spencer David Hinck was born on January 14, 2000 to a family with 4 sisters. There was a lot of excitement when his parents and sisters were told that a little boy had just joined their family. A few years later Spencer was happy to have a little brother join him with the houseful of sisters.

Spencer is an important member of our family. He is a good friend to all of his siblings. With his younger brother, Matthew, they enjoy riding bikes, pretending to be spies, and playing games. Spencer has also been a good sport at playing the role of pretend brother or dad when his older sister joins them as they pretend to play house.

Just this past year, Spencer played on a baseball team. He was fast to pick up the sport and spent many of the games playing catcher. He also enjoys basketball, fishing, camping, swimming and soccer.

Last year Spencer auditioned for a role in the musical, Music Man. He was lucky enough to be one of two boys selected to play the role of Winthrop Paroo. It was an unforgettable experience because not only did he get to act and sing alongside many high school students but he also was on stage with his older sister, Kirsten, who played the role of Winthrop's older sister, Marion Paroo.

Spencer has enjoyed traveling to many beautiful spots in the United States. Some of his favorite spots include San Francisco, Disneyland, Yellowstone, Nauvoo, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and an Aquarium in Baltimore. Over this year's potato harvest, he visited Yellowstone with his family and came within 100 feet of a Grizzly Bear. Last year, just off the rode in Yellowstone, he witnessed 4-5 wolves chasing a Grizzly Bear while a bison stood as a spectator. He loves to reach for the camera and take pictures of all the different wildlife he sees.

Spencer has many great qualities. He works hard to be a good student. His favorite subject is science. He is kind to everyone and wants to be a good friend. He loves animals and enjoys playing with his pet cat, Sophie. He helps his Dad do outside tasks such as mowing the lawn and working in the garden. Last Saturday, he and his little brother helped rake all the leaves in their front yard and also the leaves of an older lady in their neighborhood.

Spencer is a Webelo Scout and loves participating in all the things that scouts learn. He is working on earning the Arrow of Light award.

Spencer is a wonderful son, brother and friend. We are so glad that he is a part of our family.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Weather

Here in Rexburg we have been quite surprised and thankful for the beautiful fall weather.  Very mild conditions are not the norm for this time of year.  Pleasant temperatures, very little wind and beautiful autumn colors have made the fall of 2010 very lovely.

What has kept us busy during the first week of November?  For Dave and Sarah, the high school musical is consuming their moments.  It opens in two weeks.  Last Thursday was the first day that they were able to rehearse in the brand new auditorium.  And now they are patiently waiting for the sounds and lights to be fully operational so they can really have a show ready to go.  The students will be performing "Singin'" in the Rain."

Kirsten performed with the Women's Choir in concert at BYU on Friday and Saturday.  We wished that all of us could have attended.  But by the time we arranged our schedules, the tickets were gone.   She was so excited to run into Heather Bankhead.  And I was happy that someone she considers family was their to listen and appreciate their performance.

The rest of us are keeping busy with our regular duties such as homework, food prep, dancing and chores.